


Easily manage publication dates with the enhanced Publication datepicker for Squarespace. This tool streamlines the process by providing month and year views, saving you time when updating dates far in the future or past.

Perfect for migrating content, changing blog post order, or importing content from other platforms, and now available for both Blog and Event status dialogs.


How it works

Publication Datepicker is easily activated and managed through Ground Control.

Here's how to get started:

  1. Install Ground Control and access the Toolbox section.

  2. Find the Publication Datepicker option in the Toolbox.

  3. Toggle the switch to ON to enable the plugin.

  4. The new Calendar picker now can be accessible in Blog Post and Event Settings, allow you to edit the publish date of events as well! Now it can be found on

    • Blog post Status dialog

    • Event Status dialog

    • Event Start and End time dialog

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Asset Library Enhancer


Squarespace Date format