Tapfiliate and Squarespace Scheduling (Acuity) integration
Showcase of the integration between Tapfiliate and Squarespace Scheduling integration. The project also involves creating a custom coupon or mapping the product name on Acuity with Tapfiliate commission type using APIs and Autocode webhooks.
Into the deep (zoom)
Explore the possibility of Deepzoom to transform your images into an immersive format that enables viewers to see the image in its real dimension with fast loading
Implement Sequence Scrolling Animation on Squarespace
Showcase of how we implement a scrolling effect on a site using the ScrollMagic library.
Understanding Squarespace Image Delivery and Optimization
Discover the ins and outs of Squarespace Image CDN in this comprehensive guide. Learn how images are stored and optimized for fast delivery, what limitations to expect, and how to overcome common issues.
Squarespace snippet: Responsive World Clock
Introduce a simple snippet for display a World Clock for your Squarespace websites
Squarespace Workflow: Connect Order to Mailchimp
Take advantage of Squarespace and Mailchimp API to automate the process of syncing Squarespace Order to Mailchimp
Beyondspace blog
Collections of useful tips, developments notice and announcements