A gallery of images with dynamic lightboxes that have custom galleries per image clicked

To create a gallery of images with dynamic lightboxes that open custom galleries per image clicked, you can use the Lightbox Studio plugin along with Lightboxify URLs. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Steps to Create Dynamic Lightbox Galleries:

  1. Create Source Galleries:

    • Create a new page and insert a Gallery block or Gallery section.
    • Upload your images and videos to this gallery.
    • Note the URL of each gallery page.
  2. Generate Lightboxify URLs:

    • For each source gallery, append ?lightboxify=true to the end of the gallery URL.
    • Use the Squarespace ID Finder to grab the Gallery ID if needed.
    • Example format: /source-gallery?lightboxify=true#gallery-id
  3. Insert Lightboxify URLs into Image Blocks:

    • Add an Image Block to your page.
    • Select the image block and attach the corresponding Lightboxify URL.
  4. Save and Preview:

    • Save your changes and preview the page.
    • Clicking each image block should now open a separate lightbox gallery showcasing its unique set of media.

Additional Resources:

This setup allows for a clean interface while providing visitors with an engaging way to explore your images in detail.


As a Squarespace Circle member, Beyondspace delivers plugins that elevate your website, streamline workflows, and optimize the Editor experience—saving time and driving engagement.


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