How to enable lightbox for Slideshow, Carousel and Stack Gallery blocks

By default, Squarespace users can only enable lightbox for their Gallery Grid blocks, while Slideshow, carousel, and stack gallery blocks don't support a lightbox, but with our plugin Lightbox Studio - Premium Squarespace lightbox plugin, it is possible to support lightbox for those type of galleries, let’s explore how

How to enable Lightbox

If you add a Gallery block to your page, the Lightbox option and Lightbox theme will be available when a Grid gallery type is selected, but do you know the Lightbox settings persist even when you switch the gallery types!? We will take advantage of this feature in order to turn on/off for the galleries per-instance

Squarespace Grid lightbox settings

Grid Gallery settings

To achieve this, let’s follow this

  • Purchase and Activate the Lightbox Studio plugin

  • Add a Gallery block on your page or blog

  • Switch its type to Grid and make sure the Lightbox checkbox is checked and the Lightbox Theme suits your need

  • Press Save the page, so the lightbox settings of the block can be persisted

  • Now you can switch the types of the block into whatever types you like, including: Slideshow, Carouse & Stacked

  • Press Save again

and that’s it, your your gallery blocks are now lightbox enabled! No more restriction on allowed gallery types for lightbox.

Step-by-step tutorial included


1. After purchased and activated Lightbox Studio
Start editing your Gallery

Step 1 image

2. Select the Gallery Block

Step 2 image

3. Click Edit

Step 3 image

4. Click Design

Step 4 image

5. Switch Design to Grid

Step 5 image

6. Ensure Lightbox option is checked

Step 6 image

7. Click Save

Step 7 image

8. After Saved, edit the Gallery block again

Step 8 image

9. Click Edit

Step 9 image

10. Click Design

Step 10 image

11. Switch to your previous Design, for example Carousel

Step 11 image

12. Click Save

Step 12 image

13. Click Exit

Step 13 image

14. Check lightbox on Gallery block by clicking the images

Step 14 image

15. That's it. You're done.

Step 15 image

Here's an interactive tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

Next step

Clickthrough URL and lightbox

Let’s explore how the clickthrough URL work with the new Lightbox settings gallery blocks

Block Layout Clickthrough URL images Lightbox caption
Grid - Clicking the image opens the lightbox instead of the URL.
- This is Squarespace default behavior.
- Supported
Carousel - Click the image open the URL. - Supported
Slideshow - Click the image open the URL. - Supported
Stack - Click the image open the URL. - Supported: title or description is saved on the image as alt attribute

You can preview all the supported galleries on this page


am frontend dev that provide solutions to enhance feature of can't provide, such as:

- Connect Google Spreadsheet dataset to Squarespace Google Maps or Datatables

- Implement SVG, CSS animations

- Inject custom code to display currency conversion based on geolocation

- Edit squarespace template file in Developer mode

--- To Space And Beyond! ---


How to create hidden lightbox gallery on Squarespace


How to add indicators on Squarespace lightboxes